
We always work very hard to improve attendance at St Ethelwold's as we firmly believe that the more we have your child in school, the more they will learn and the happier they will be.

As with many things, attendance has been adversely affected by the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic but with the gradual easingof restrictions we hope to make further improvements.

At present attendance stands at 89% which compares favourably with many local schools and we will be working towards getting up towards 95%.  Our governor agreed policy and procedure means that you may get a letter if attendance drops below this, please do not be alarmed if this happens to you!  It is a chance for us to begin a discussion on how we can improve the attendance and open up a two-way conversation.

There are a range of rewards for pupils and classes with good attendance, which we share in our newsletter and on our Facebook page.

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Who Are We

The school vision at St Ethelwold's VA School is to: "Be The Best You Can" "Bwddwch eich gorau". This vision cascades throughout the fabric of the school and is central to the work of the school. The school community believes that a strong commitment to effort will lead to high standards of attainment and achievement and also to the important life skills of perseverance and resilience. Effort will be both reported on and rewarded.

Where Are We

St Ethelwold's VA school

Melrose Ave,