Parents FAQ
Parents Frequently Asked Questions
What are the term dates for this year?
Please see the school term dates on the website.
How much are school meals?
School meals cost £2.50 per day – all the information about school meals can be found on the website.
What are the school’s opening times?
St Ethelwold’s free breakfast club runs from 8am until 8.50am. The school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.05pm in foundation phase and 3.15pm in the juniors.
Where can I find information on school policies?
School policy information is contained within the school website or policies are available on request from the school office.
Who are the school Governors?
The school has twelve Governors, the Chair of the Governing Body is Mr Gary Cooper– a full list of Governors can be found in the Governors Section.
What happens when there is bad weather such as heavy snow and ice?
If the school is forced to close due to bad weather, the closure will be reported on the Flintshire County Council website and where possible we will send out advisory text messages.
Am I allowed to take holiday in term time?
The school discourages holidays during term time, however, families can request a holiday by completing a Holiday Request Form with each request being considered individually by the headteacher and the chair of Governors.
What is the school uniform?
We encourage all children to wear school uniform. This is a blue polo shirt, a navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan and black trousers or skirt. In summer children may wear a gingham blue summer dress or black shorts.
What should I do if I am worried about my child’s behaviour or progress?
Your child’s class teacher will be happy to talk to you about this during an after school appointment which you should try to book in advance.
What should my child bring for PE?
Children should have a PE kit in school all week. PE kit is: black shorts, white t-shirt and plimsolls or trainers. Children can also bring black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE in colder conditions.
What happens if my child loses something?
All clothes and PE kit should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. The school will collect lost property and store it centrally. Parents are welcome to look for lost property at the end of the school day.